RRG - Regulatory Reporting for Central Bank
Regulatory Report Generator (RRG) is a comprehensive framework that automates the generation of regulatory reports for Credit Risk, Market Risk, Op Risk and Capital Adequacy as per various Central Banks' guidelines.

Surya's Regulatory Report Generator (RRG) is a comprehensive package designed to help banks and financial institutions automate the generation of regulatory reports as per central bank guidelines. The framework allows for the generation of reports on Credit Risk, Market Risk, Operational Risk, Liquidity Risk, and Interest Rate Risk, adhering to country-wise specifics. The RRG interacts with various transaction and analytical systems to extract data and generate reports, and the data extraction tool is configured to automatically fetch end-of-day data on a daily basis.

With the RRG framework, banks can generate regulatory reports for any jurisdiction, and the solution is designed to be flexible enough to accommodate regulatory reporting requirements for any country. The RRG framework integrates with different modules like ALM, Capital Adequacy Computation, and extracts calculated measurements on risk, such as Capital Charge, CRAR, RWA, Liquidity Ratio, NPA, and Top 20 Depositors. The solution enables the consolidation and currency-wise reports along with transition dashboards, allowing banks to easily monitor and track their regulatory reporting requirements.

RRG - Regulatory Reporting for Central Bank.webp
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Solution is interfaced with core banking data along with manual inputs required if any which is not available in CBS.
Mapping of CBS data is done as per the bank's information on each reports.
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User creation can be done and specific set of reports can be provided to access for specific users.
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Automate reports generation process at a given frequency (e.g. daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annually) as required by regulatory authority
Allows establishment to maintain a proper process to minimize loss of information, detect anomalies early and help in audits and surveillance
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Improve maintenance of data by storing them in a most rational forma to reduce report generation time and improve quality of data
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