Surya's Procurement and Expenditure Platform (PEPs) is a comprehensive solution that streamlines the spend life cycle for businesses of all sizes.
With its Procurement module, PEPs automates the procurement process of an asset from collecting and comparing quotations to issuing purchase orders and entering Goods Received Notes (GRN). Additionally, the platform can be interfaced with the organization's payment system for seamless payments.
PEPs Expenditure system offers a flexible Maker-Checker hierarchy for approval of expense payments initiated by branches and approved by Head Office. This system streamlines the expense management process and provides a centralized view of all expenditures.
The Premises module of PEPs enables organizations to manage their owned, leased, or rented properties efficiently. This module captures all the property details, including lease agreements, tax liabilities, and payment schedules, and provides alerts and reminders for timely action.